About Peter
“… and whatever you do, do it heartily…”
In other words, give it all your heart and soul. It’s a catch cry that Peter lives by and is the driving force behind his success.
Some call it OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) but Peter calls it raw unbridled passion.
Peter’s main passion is being passionate… in everything he turns his hand to. Passionate with serial ‘hobbiest’ tendencies even!
Peter loves WordPress & software ‘toys’ and often spends a Saturday morning ‘playing’ with new plugins and apps.
He is a raving 1970’s Jap Bike collector with his current collection at 10.
By day we convert dead dormant websites into profitable sites, hence ‘Smarter Websites’ – making them ‘work’, one at a time if necessary…
On target for world domination, albeit our part of the world… 😆
If you’re going to take something on Peter believes you should throw yourself at it and do the best you damn well can!
Peter’s career has seen him work in retail, varied sectors and industries. With each career shift or project you develop a new skill set. Whether that skill set is in the daily operations of the business or processes, in the systems or simply different interactions and communication processes.

Peter was born in Perth, Western Australia of an Irish Father and an Australian Mother. He has since comes to terms with his father being Irish. Peter and his drop dead gorgeous wife Linda were married in 2000 after a whirlwind 3 month courtship. Peter has a 20 year old son who is about to become a father himself. He also has 3 absolutely gorgeous adult daughters he inherited with 10 fantastic grandchildren and he still has no grey hair.
Peter grew up in the North West WA town of Port Hedland and believed life in the country help shape both the positive and negative aspects to his life.
The camaraderie of the Northwest is strong and the sense of community is to be admired. That friendliness, the small town ‘hand waves’ as you drive down the street because you know so many people is to be relished as is the sense of ‘being there for people’ and contribution.
The downside is the mentoring, or lack of positive mentoring that can be costly to a young man growing up and trying to find his identity in a dysfunctional mining town that lacked what Peter now terms ‘real man’ mentoring.
The town had a fairly transient population with a ‘work hard play hard’ mentality, most times playing too hard.
Peter’s father was a shift worker for 17 years and although was a fairly balanced Dad the fact that he wasn’t ‘present’ due to the shift work – either ‘at work’ or ‘asleep after a shift’ or ‘leaving for a shift’ didn’t help to foster the father/son relationship as Peter grew up.
A couple of Peter’s favourite books of all time are by Stephen Biddulph where Stephen explores the journey of boys growing up in ‘Raising Boys’ and ‘Manhood’.
Through Peter’s personal experience and exposure to mentoring of the wrong kind he’s focussed on making sure his son didn’t have the same exposure.
Peter’s current focus is on direct response marketing and new client lead generation systems for small business, retailers and has a niche marketing and website system for mortgage brokers.
Using his amazingly successful direct response marketing techniques his clients are enjoying better than ever new client acquisitions along with the assurance that it’s a predictable and proven system. Peter uses a combination of offline marketing strategies to bring prospects online along with current SEO tactics to maximize web traffic.
What drives Peter now is the increasingly obvious shortfall for most business owners in their sales and marketing systems. This shortfall always shows up as a lack of clients which means money or time or both. Peter Butler is a business builder and helps people take control and turn their business around.
It’s about building businesses for sale or lifestyle…
Peter’s sees it like this “For most of us we started or bought our business out of a ‘lifestyle’ desire… yet for so many of us we end up being a slave to the business in one form or another… so much for the lifestyle.
We all pretty well want the same thing out of our business. Good cashflow along the way with a great reward at the end. The trouble is so many businesses don’t have a clearly defined and systemised approach to either getting new clients or managing them.
The ‘highly qualified’ lead generation and marketing systems Peter implements generate a highly profitable ‘stream’ of new clients and positions Peter’s clients as the experts and be the ‘go to people’ in their area and ends all those lame, frustrating and sometimes costly prospecting methods.
All those in favour of that say ‘Aye’!